Friday, April 9, 2010


A Crisis is a turning point for better or worse. Meaning that it is a time when decisions must be made, and outcome can hinge upon those decisions.

Crisis usual comes carrying with it pain, distress and/or dysfunction. During crisis people are often very emotional, and change radically in behavior if they follow their feelings. As believers in Christ we are taught truths that will keep us free even in the midst of a sudden crisis is we will follow those truths.

Each one of us are a three dimensional being. We each are a living Spirit, who have a mind, will and emotions (a soul), and we live within a physical body (tent, house, vehicle). For a person to deny that they have feelings is deception. We are created with emotions (feelings), and to disregard them is just as ridiculous as a person twisting scripture text and throwing out education and intellect. However, many professing Christians have done this foolishly. They take a text like Pr 3:5 which says: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. And build a doctrine of ignorance on it.

This text is not telling us to throw out our mental abilities. It is telling us that we need to learn truth from God. And if we have been taught things that are not aligned to those truths, that we should listen more to what is on the inside of us (in the deep parts) more than what someone may have mislead us in through bad teaching.

If we were to toss out our minds (mental intellectual abilities) then Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God would not have written Ro 12:2 which says: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Our minds are wonderful creations of God but need to be renewed in truths that will aide us in and through all of life's crisis. And just as God has given us a wonderful mind that can be filled with truth that he offers us, he has also weaved in what we call "feelings" or emotions. Those feelings are not all in all bad. But feelings are fickle. They can cause us to be up one day, down another. They can also deceive us if we do not have all our facts together about a situation.

Following feelings is not always safe. And yet people are forever saying, "follow your feelings." But in reality, these same people are living roller coaster lives, of highs, lows, ups, downs, ins, outs, and sudden dangerous curves thrown into their lives. They are usually screaming about something or throwing their hands in the air about something else. And just as it is to ride a roller coaster ... it usually ends up costing you financially and often leaves us physically sick.

I allowed my mind to be renewed in this area many years ago. My life was full of ups and downs. One crisis after another. Living a loose life, of following feelings. There is a difference in a loose life and a free life. People need to get away from so called loosing meetings and get over into the realm of truths that set free.

When I say I was living a loose life, some would call it free. It wasn't. I was living a life of drugs, alcohol and promiscuity, no one telling me anything, because I wanted to live MY Life! I wasn't living life at all, not even mine. I was hook nosed by the enemy, with eyes blinded by deception, until Jesus set me free and healed all my crisis!

My experience with God was supernatural. It wasn't ordinary religious ritual. It was revelation. A revelation (that I will not go into as for some to be carried off into error trying to have the same experience), but nevertheless a supernatural happening that headed me to God's written Word. Truth that set me free, as I gave myself to it, and applied it!

Today my life is transformed. Why? Because I wanted to be free and life a wonderful stable, fruitful, happy, peaceful and successful life. How? Choice. Making choices that offered new results. I begin to choose life. I by choice allowed his will (Written Word of God) to become my will. In doing this my entire life was transformed (changed) and I am free!

You can be free too, if you choose. God never forces himself on anyone. He is Love. He is Light. He is Life. He is Truth. He is the Way. But He allows you to choose ... Life or death ... Blessings or Cursing. God (Jesus) will never force himself on you. He will simply be there when you choose Him. He waits for you! When you choose Him, He then offers you a wonderful life not only now, but hereafter (through out eternity).

I wish I could expose every person to this wonderful life of love, peace, joy and blessing that I live. But I can't expose them to this, for it is an inner working by God alone. I can however, witness of Christ and life I live. I can also invite you to join me in it. I can introduce you to Christ Jesus by offering you the written Word. But you must allow Him entrance to your life by applying His written Word and following His sent Spirit.

Crisis is also known as a time when a situation has reached a critical phase. So many people are at this place. They are at a critical phase physically, financially, relationally, or mentally. They need help, change, something to give.

During these times, people grasp at anything and everything if they are not ground in the Word of God and have a personal relationship with Jesus. As they are grasping here and there, they may get a temporal solution, but it soon gives way to another crisis. The only sure solution for Crisis is the Love of God. Love never fails and activates faith that is offered to us through the Word of God. And Faith is always the victory!

God's Word is tried and proven. It never changes. The earth could be removed and God's Word would still remain. It is unfailing. It is the antidote for the life of crisis.

We will never live a life free, of affliction or adversity (persecution). But we can live a crisis free life.

When we are living our lives according to God's Word. We understand many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord brings them through them ALL. So in the midst of any affliction or persecution ... we can continue in praise, peace and joy understanding that we will come through victoriously. For ALL things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.

Daniel was a praying man. He found himself being tossed in a den of lions. He slept. This was persecution (adversity). But it was no Crisis for Daniel. It was just an opportunity to come out victoriously and glorify God.

The Hebrew children were thrown into a furnace. It was heated till it was white hot. This was persecution (adversity), but it was not a crisis for the Hebrew children. They praised in the midst of the fires of adversity and came out to promotion!

We could go through more and more examples of faith in action that results in victory. But the point is, "you do not have to live your life, from one crisis to another." You can walk in such a way that when trouble comes, you are grounded. If everything around you begins to shake and show instabilities, you will remain steadfast and stable. Crisis can be to your left and to your right, but it can not come near your dwelling. Because you are of a different Spirit.

You are of a Spirit of excellency. One who is led by the Word and Spirit. Led by the one who not only knows the way out, but is the way. The one who is the door (or entrance) to every area of life when you need it. The one who is the way, when there seems to be no way.

Jesus is a present help in times of trouble. Meaning that your adversity, persecution, affliction, or trouble does not have to not turn to crisis. It can turn to blessing! It can act as a stepping stone to a new arena of living. It can only aid in getting you to your next level!
