Monday, August 29, 2011


To replenish defines as:
  • To nourish
  • To fill
  • To fill with inspiration
  • To fill with power
  • To build up
  • To rebuild
  • To make good
Have you ever felt the need to be nourished, inspired, empowered or built up? If you are empty, not only are you out of sorts, you have nothing to offer to anyone. Therefore, it is vital that you take time every day to replenish.

As Christians our meat is to do the will of the Father. However, we need daily bread (God's Word), we need fresh living waters, as well as the meat of purpose (will).

I have seen to many Christians fall by the way side as they attempt to "do the will" of God. They begin well, but soon burn out because they are burning at both ends. They work in the office all week, prepare for several weekly services, counsel, and then take service home with them, often sitting up all hours of the night praying and mulling around ways to help others. They become "World Fixers". Which I will add, is an impossible task.

God has not called us to fix people. He has called us to be ministers of reconciliation. We are to reconcile men to God. We are to direct them to the Father and his way of living and doing things. But it is up to each person whether they receive him and/or apply truth that will set them free.

I find people are often more driven than led, and when a person is driven so far, they are tired, frustrated, they become cranky and get ill. We are not to be driven, we are to be led. To drive holds the idea of control and tyranny; to be led, offers direction and leaves one free to choose whether they follow or not.

God has never driven anyone. He has spoken, shined a light and gave us his assistance toward life and abundance and empowered, but never driven. God offers us the ability to choose. He gives us free will. Anything that is driving us needs to be kept in check ... even our godly passions.

The Word of God tells us that we are to receive daily bread; that rivers of living waters should be bubbling up within us. We are also to be filled and re-filled. We do this from spending time in the presence of God. Reading the Word, praying and meditating. We are not to be left bone dry and wanting.

When a person is driven they often fail to eat, they forget to replenish. Their sleep is disrupted. They forget that Jesus came to give life and that more abundantly, and they often end up losing their own soul.

Our lives are to be lived in balance. God gave us seasons for reasons. He created us to sleep and to wake. He even shares with us how we are to live our lives unto godliness and success. So be sure to look unto the author and finisher of faith (of life) for direction. You and your family are as important as anyone else in the World.

When God tells us it is possible to win the entire World and lose our own soul. We must hear him. When he says, Woe to the man who goes to bed late and gets up early. We need to take heed. When he says that we are to use temperance in all things, he has a purpose.

God cares deeply about you, and longs to empower you to greatness. He longs for you to live a rich life without sorrows. But he will never drive you, he will however help you. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit ... our helper, the one that will lead us into all truth; truth that will set us free and aide us in living our lives strong.

The next time you are feeling driven. Stop and regroup. Take some time out to put things into proper prospective.
  • Get into the presence of God and replenish.
  • Get built up.
  • Get direction
and led the Holy Spirit lead you into better days!

Life is good when we live it in Balance!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Anger Management

Recently I was directly by the Holy Spirit to notice the amount of anger within the body. And it saddened me to see the ratio of people living their lives angry. Some call it righteous indignation (as an excuse to justify themselves), others use the word to excuse their wrath. I hear them say, "well even Jesus got angry". But those same people do not like to speak of not letting the sun go down upon their wrath, nor do they want to talk about handling anger effectually. They just stay mad.

Angry people are losing in life on so many levels.
They are not happy.
Their physical health is harmed.
They are emotionally unstable.
Their relationships are hurt or destroyed.
Children are emotionally scared and often physically harmed.
They financial well being is hindered, because they often lose jobs or refuse to stay with a job long term.
And as for material gain it too is often destroyed by tantrum fits of anger.

But the thing that we normally don't hear is ... As a Christian our witness is marred by refusing to deal properly with anger.

The bible has much to say about anger and we have wonderful counselors and programs that are offered to help us. As spirited Christians we also have the Holy Spirit (our helper) living within us.

The word of God tells us that "the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit". And where love abides, anger subsides.

Here a few good scriptures that the Holy Spirit leads us in line with:

Ephesians 4:31
Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

Colossians 3:8
But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.

1 Timothy 2:8
I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

James 1:19-20
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

So many Christians think that once they are saved they will just automatically be sweet and loving. But according to the Word although we take on a new nature, we also have an old one to take off. These are things that we have to do, God is not going to do it for us, yet the Holy Spirit (the one just like Jesus) to be here on planet earth with us will help US! While he is directing and aiming to help us all times, we still must listen to and heed Him. We must do what He gives us unction to do.

If you take note in every one of these areas beginning with ...

Eph . 4:31
we are told to "put away" wrath. We must put it in it's place and stay in charge of our emotions.

Here we told to "put off" wrath (anger). In other words if it has came on you, recognize it and get it off of you, by dominating your flesh lust with it's appetites.

Timothy tells us to lift up Holy hands, without wrath or doubting. So surrender, to the nature of holiness. Put your hands up without the filth of anger (that often ends in blood shed). Understand that God can be trusted and He cares for you. If you have been wronged He will be be sure that justice is served if you will trust Him and not doubt.

And the last one for now is...

James 1:19-20
Here James tells us to be slow to speak and slow to anger. Watch those quick tongues and tempers. They both hold a dangerous fire that destroys. Learn to communicate properly. Many a war has been stopped by proper communication, many relationships built and strengthened the same way.

Remember wrath does not work the righteousness of God, nor construct anything good!

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Cave in Adullam

Oscar Wilder once said "Discontent is the First step in the progress of a man or a nation" and Shirley Hufsteddler "You don't make progress standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining; you make progress implementing ideas." These two statements make me reflect David in Adullam.

David had known fame and the dangers that came with it. He knew power and yet suffered from his own weaknesses at times.

David had periods of sliding backwards into sin, but having a heart after God, he would soon return to his senses and move forward.

Reading I Samuel we find David fleeing from Saul, first to Ahimelech the priest in Nod, and then on to Achish the king of Gath. David lies when he arrives in Nod, attempting to preserve himself, instead of trusting in God.

Latter when David reaches Gath ... he finds himself walking among the Philistines, he was in the hometown of Goliath. Not only was David among the very people of Goliath, he was carrying Goliaths sword with him.

Soon being recognized David was talking before the counsel. But David finds a way of escape acting as a mad man, scratching at the gate and letting saliva drip down his beard. David may not have known it then, but God was even in these days directing his path to liberty.

As David left Gath ... he was again praising God for his deliverance. But now what ... where was he to go from here?

There was definitely some places David could not go. He could not go back to the palace, to Samuel or to Jonathan. He could not go back to his home or to those familiar to him (to his place of comfort). So where? David chose a cave. A Cave in Adullam.

David expected this place to be his place of refuge. Refuge defines as: A source of help, relief, or comfort in times of trouble. But, there is no cave, person, or palace that can offer true help, relief or comfort for the soul in need. The Lord is our refuge and our strong tower as the Psalmist well knew with pen in hand.

Psalms 61:1-3 1 Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. 2 From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. 3 For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.

Amazing what we can learn alone in a cave (isolated place). But one does not dwell in isolation forever as David was soon to learn.

Soon Davids family heard about Davids new living quarters. And being the family they were ... they were ready to move in with him. Yet, this time it was different. This was Davids Cave, and he had authority in his own dwelling place.

Prior to this coming together in Adullam, Davids family was not very fond of him. His father did not see fit to invite David to the the family dinner with the prophet Samuel. And the brothers were harsh against him, unjustly accusing, mocking and criticizing him. But know the tables had turned and they were running to David.

These family members were in trouble. They were weary under the leadership of Saul. They wanted change.

These men were in distress, in debt and discontent. They needed real leadership! They needed ideas implemented for progress. They needed someone with vision and directions. And they were finally ready to hear and follow directions.

It is not until men are ready to follow,
that someone can lead them to victory

God had called and anointed David as King (leader). But until a leader is received by the people can they lead successfully. However, when God calls and anoints he also appoints. And just like he appointed David as King. He was now appointing people to come up around him. People who were willing to get under his authority and submit to his vision and directions.

Those who are willing to get under the vision of a called, anointed and appointed leader and submit will soon find themselves coming out. They will rise up to stress-free, out of debt and contented lives. They will soon be found to be mighty in the land. While those who try to override godly order will soon find themselves defeated and living on the outside of the blessings of the Lord.

As Wilder and I have previously quoted ... discontent is the first step toward progress, so it was for these men. But as Hufsteddler said, ideas must be implemented toward progress. David had to train those who came to him.

If you are working with people who are unteachable then you are fighting a losing battle already. Let them go. Let God draw men and women to you that are willing to submit to the order of the house. Let God bring people to you that are willing to be trained. Those who will commit and stand faithful in service. Those who will follow godly rank and order for success; Pour yourself into these people. The others will fall by the wayside or return to you ready to be trained just as these men did ... in the day of the Cave.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The unencumbered life of faith

What does it mean to be unencumbered? Technically it simply means to be free of encumbrance, or anything that encumbers.

Encumber defines as:
to weigh down, burden, hinder, hold back, shackle, obstruct, or short circuit.

Hebrews 12:1-2 Amplified Translation reads as follows:
Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,

Verse 2
Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the leader and the source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

We can see from Hebrews 12:1, that God intends us to “strip off and throw aside” all that would encumber us. We need to get rid of anything that would weigh down, burden, hinder, hold back, shackle, obstruct, or short circuit our faith life.

God expects us to strip off burdens. To hear some people tell it God is heaping the burdens on his people. He wants us to get rid of anything that hinders our faith race. If it obstructs us or short circuits our progress than it is not from God. He is not holding us back or shackling us.

How do we strip off burdens?
The answer is prayer, we are to cast our cares over on Him for he cares for us.
We are to let go of all anxiety and pray in faith believing.

We are to live our lives "in trust" instead of "encumbered."

• When people know God then they will do valiantly.
• When they know his character, they will refuse to run with weights

God wants us to rise up to faith exploits, but when we allow wrong thinking to keep us encumbered, our lives will not produce as God intends.

Daniel 11:32 says,
… the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.

Exploits defines as:

Brave and daring acts

People who are encumbered will never rise up to the brave and daring acts.

• What is holding you down?
• What floods you with fear, and leaves you cowering behind the starting line, or
has you stuck at the mid way point?
• Why are you not rising up bravely to the next daring act of faith?

Whatever it is … strip it off and throw it aside, so you can move upward and onward toward the finish line with liberty and joy.

I hear people talk about how God has burdened them concerning someone or something … the truth is God may drop within you an assignment, but it is not for you to carry. It is for you to deliver.

God desires that you to deliver in prayer for him to perform as you act in faith. This is where the bravery and daring acts begin.

God may drop within you an assignment for prayer, but you are not to walk around carrying it like some kind of heavy package delivered to you by God that is just dragging you down.

Pray it out (cast it over to the Lord with a Faith Voice). Open yourself up to the Holy Spirit (give an ear) to directions concerning the assignment. Should the Lord speak a direction to you (he may or may not), but if he does, be brave and dare to act.

Somethings are to be simply prayed upon. Others are to be prayed out and acted upon. Stay senstive to the Spirit and know the difference.

We are so blessed to be children of God. Our lives should be lived totally “care” free. In other words we should not be bogged down with worries and fears, burdened with all the worlds events and evils.

This is not to say we are to be cold, frivolous and without compassion. Nor does it mean we should not do something to make a difference. It is actually the opposite … faith acts.

Faith does not just sit around on its hands. People of faith keep fellowship with God through prayer, and response to God directions for His kingdom to produce in earth as it is in heaven.

If you were to ask folk if they believe there is sickness, disease, poverty or lack in heaven, they are quick to say, “No I do not believe these things are in heaven.”

You can ask, do you believe that when Jesus said, thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven that he was lying about it. They would say, "No, I don't believe Jesus lies."

Yet, they live their lives as if we are to be sick, diseased, poverty stricken and in lack. They live as if we just have to drag through life with the weights and burdens of all manner of evils clinging to our lives. And that we are even meant to drag around all the World’s sins, errors and weights too.

Oh, that we might know God!
Oh, that we might live our lives in complete surrender to the liberating truth.

~ Joshua 1:1-9

Oh, that we might be brave and very courageous, meditating on the truth daily and doing all according to Gods preordained and arranged plans. Then we would prosper and have good success in our lives. Then we would do exploits … and the world would be turned around.

Faith is the victory. There is no clauses … just “Faith is the Victory!”

I John 5:1-5 speaks to us about God and keep his commandments, and as keep those commandments, we are known as the children of God. It also speaks to us about how these commands are not grievous (hard to bear up under).

Grievous denotes:
sorrow, sadness, aggravation, pain, anguish, misfortune, despair, disaster, stress, distress, unhappiness, and other evils.

God does not want you to walk around planet earth all bummed out!
He wants you to walk around light and bright and dispelling darkness as you go.

God is not interested in all of your false humility. He is interested in your faith and true humility. True Faith and humility is simply siding with and yielding to the written truth of God’s documented Word and living Spirit.

I John 5:14 goes on to tell us that once we have the witness that we are secure in our son ship that we can ask anything that aligns with the will of God (which is His written documented Word) and we will have what we ask of Him.

Now that is liberating!

That is the unencumbered life of faith!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Suggestion Box

Chances are at one time or the other, you have seen a suggestion box. You may have even voiced your opinion there. Today I am reminding you of "the suggestion box" with purpose.

What would it be like if you would open up your heart as a suggestion box and allow God's written Word to go in for consideration.

What if there were things there that you had never thought, dreamed or imagined?

What if?

What if it was a better plan than you have ever considered?
What if upon considering it, you then applied it?

What if?

There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end, it will be death.
~ Pro. 14:12; 16:25

There is a way of deception. A way that seems right, but then leaves a void. A way that appears right, but in the end it lies.

There is a way to success. There is a way to live victoriously. There is a way to be more than a conqueror. There is "A" way.

Life should not be a series of stumbles and bumbles. It should be a faith to faith, glory to glory life. I am not suggesting that you or I are perfect, and that we never make mistakes.

I am suggesting there is a plan that needs to drop into you. A plan that when you endeavor to follow it, you will get successful results. And even though you may make a mistake in your effort of it's fulfillment, you can still walk by faith victoriously.

I am also saying, that when you do make a mistake, one that has kept you from your proposed end, check inside to find where you went wrong. Go and consider the written, locked in truth.

Life should be lived joyfully and in peace.
Abundance in ever area should be apart of your life.

Hope should be what holds you. Hope like an anchor that secures your drifting soul. Hope that will cause you to hope against a world of screaming odds. Hope that comes from Jesus The Christ.

Life should be an adventure, fresh every morning untainted by fears, doubts or evils. If it is not I would be open to suggestions; suggestions that I would apply for the better result.

Are you open to suggestions?

If you are ... the written word of God is exploding with direction, and the Holy Spirit teacher is ready to teach you things that will take you into the best days of your life.

Go on take a step of Faith ... Open the suggestion box. When you do you will find that what you have came to as mere suggestions, will in the end be life!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Simplicity of effective Prayer

I am forever learning, however after decades of prayer I have learned a few things. Often times the things I learn are from patterns. Some of the patterns are good and need be repeated, others vain and would be best if they were never repeated.

Effective prayer is not a vain ritual of repetitions, but rather life and power through relationship. Jesus expressed relationship when he was responding to the disciples saying, "teach us to pray".

What we call the Lord's prayer is not meant to be just a mere dialogue to be repeated, but an express teaching to be understood. I like to look at it from time to time in a most simple way. Especially when so much prayer and prayer teaching begins to veer off into ineffective works, spiritual pride, judgement and hinges on the edge of Idolatry and witchcraft.

So today I look again into the teaching of Jesus Himself.
You know the same Jesus who taught that unless we become as a little child,we will not be able to enter the kingdom.

There is a kingdom of God, and as we seek first that Kingdom, and the righteousness (right ways) of God, we will find all else being added to us. Life will truly be good.

Our Father ( here we are directed to a Spirit person "Father" for communication (relationship).

Who art in Heaven (denoting God's dwelling in a high seat).
*might I also add here, you too have been seated with Him in heavenly places by Christ Jesus.

Hallowed be thy name (honor and respect in the relationship).

Thy Kingdom come (the acknowledgement of stewardship verses ownership).

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ( surrender of personal will to that of the creator, with expectation of heavenly good on earth).

Give us this day our daily bread (ego is dismissed, while with humble heart, and open hands we ready ourselves to receive from a greater source, and larger bounty).

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (true humility recognizes that we all fall short of the glory of God, and everyone stands in need of forgiveness, and likewise needing to forgive).

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil (acknowledgement of this earth walk includes God's willingness to hear us as we pray, and of His loving ability to guide us in our walk).

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever ... Amen.
*although this was added as a tag on by certain translators, it is a pleasant reminder of the greatness of our God, and aides us in keeping ourselves from self righteousness and pride.

In a world that is screaming at God from their seats of anger, bitterness, hurt, desperation, rebellion or other disrobing attitudes. There is a God who longs for fellowship (have relationship), and is willing to help us every area of life, if He is allowed.

Today is set before you life or death ... Choose life.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Momentum defines by Webster as:
The strength or force of something when it is moving, the strength and force that allows that something to grow stronger and faster as time passes.

I now continue with a Passage from the Gospel of Matthew.

Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.
After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.

Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God


As I ponder this word ... I also recall this presented text. I can see Jesus ... I can see Peter ... I can see the fearful crew ... I can see the waves, hear the roar of the wind, water and muffled cries of men.

Momentum builds ... Momentum wanes.

As the text suggest Jesus has sent His leading men out ahead of Him while He was tying up loose ends from their last gathering. Momentum was building as crowds gathered. People were being strengthened with each meeting. They were growing and increasing from the power of the spoken Word. The Rhema of God.

Momentum was building. Exciting times. Lives were being changed. People uniting in hope. New regions opening. And then the winds...Those winds! Those howling loud winds! Those pulling, pushing, shaking, distrubitve, distracting, boat jarring, fear breeding, deceptive winds.

It seems like every time momentum builds and you are ask to make the big cross over ... to take the new territory in life; at the time of going and growing, those winds set in, Not winds of the Spirit, but rather adverse winds. Winds that come with the purpose of breaking your focus.

Those ... "I wonder if I am doing the right thing, headed the right direction winds."
The..."Is that really you Jesus" winds.

Any time you are ask to do something of great importance, the winds of adversity are sure to break forth as you are crossing over into the assignment.

Focus is reguired to keep the pace.

Lose focus and you begin to sink down into dispair; sink down into the watery, bottomless place of mediocrity with all the other fish of the sea.

  • God has not ask you to begin an assignment to quit half way through it.
  • He has not desgined you to fear.

II Timothy 1:7 both informs and reminds us of our make up.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, and of love and a sound (well disciplined) mind.

  • Power to overcome all adversity.
  • Love to ignite faith.
  • And a (well disciplined) sound mind that remains fixed (focused) ... in spite of winds that asail.

You may be saying, "Yes, but Peter was distracted, and if Peter couldn't do it, how can I?"

Peter may have momenterialy lost mometum, but he found it again quickly by calling out to Jesus to save Him. Immediately Jesus reached out and caught Peter. He kept him from becoming a meger, clamoring, sinking statistic.

Jesus also taught Peter a lesson in faith.

You know "Faith" the substance of things we hope for, that brings forth the evidence of the things we can not yet see."

"Faith" the love activated invisble substance that produces on our behalf and on the behalf of others.

We can watch Peter sink over and over again, or we can watch Peter get up and keep on moving.

We can see Peter as a failure, or we can see Peter learning a faith lesson and contiuing on with his assignment. It all depends on where we want to go in life.

If we go the direction God has scripted for us, we must see ourselves making it to the other side. Peter did, and so did the crew that was with him.

Gods plan is not for you to fail, it is for you to succeed. It is a plan of hope ... and a plan that offers a prosperous successful future.

The question is, "Do we want to just drift about on the sea of life going from one howling series of winds to the next, or do we want to learn our lesson concerning winds and keep our momentum?"

Winds come in life, but they also cease if we will operate in faith instead of doubt and fear.

The Word of God speaks to us about winds of doctrines, the craftiness of men and devilish schemes. Infants easily fall prey and are tossed about by such winds. But not so my friend with those who are sent to be at the helm protecting the babes.

If you want to be a helmsman ... you better learn to cry out to Jesus~

Peter had to learn this, as a piece of the rock that the church would be built upon. He after all, was to hold keys to the kingdom. Peter had to grow in faith and be strengthened that he too might strengthen the brethern in their faith.

Don't you imagine the day Peter walked on the water in spite of the winds and fearful cries of men, (even though he was momentuarily distracted and openly rebuked by Jesus), that the others were quietly learning too?

  • The winds ceased.
  • The fearful were quietly assured.
  • And they all crossed over together ... as faith lessons were learned.

Our lives are to be lived by faith. We are to operate in the power of love.

We are not created to be stifeled by fears or haulted by doubts.

The disciples had a mission ... it was to cross over; to get to the other side. But it was not just to conquer the watery grave of medicotrity that takes so many lives.

This crossing had a much larger purpose. It was not a water sport, or a record breaking activity to be recored.

On the other side were People.

  • People in need.
  • People that were hopeless, helpless, starving, thirsty and broken.
  • People in bondage to the crafitness of men and schemes of devils.

Those who were sinking in the waters of unstable economy, corrupt government, false religions and lack of education.

I am challenging each reader today to face the winds of adversity. To rise up in faith, to ditch doubt and build momentumn.

I am admonishing you to go against the grid of fear, and take hold of Jesus when you are feel like you are slipping away in the sea of insecurity.

Do not render yourself small or insignificant, but rather, remember that greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the World.

Step out of the fear filled boat, onto waters of uncertainity, with a goal ... eyes fixed on the prize.

I am not asking that you to wait in the boat with fearful men until the winds cease ... but rather that you go out in the midst of fearful men, while the winds of adversity are blowing, and challange your own faith with the knowledge of the character of Jesus who will NOT let you fail.

There is much to be done here in planet earth. There are people to be reached, regions to explore, and lives to be ministered to.

There are orphans to be nurtured, widows to be cared for, naked to be clothed, hungry to be fed, thirsty to be given drink, and families to be reconciled. There is a harvest field ... a sea of people ... waiting for you to cross over!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

When Opposition Comes

Opposition is realistic, it comes. A person can either be beaten and broken down by it, or they can keep the faith and get the victory.

What is opposition?

1. the act of opposing or the state of being opposed
2. hostility, unfriendliness, or antagonism
3. a person or group who differ in ideas
4. a position facing or opposite another
5. something that acts as an obstacle to some course or progress

What do you do when opposition is behind you, and before you?
You move forward in faith.
You never wrangle with the adversary, you just move forward in faith.

To wrangle is loud, angry argument to get victory.
One may perceive or appear to get a victory by wrangling, yet in the end they will find that they have been deceived.

There is a better way to victory; the way of unity; the way of faith ignited by love. This way commands blessing.

The word tells us that love never fails; that faith is always the victory; and that unity commands the blessing.
Agreement is what God responds to favorably when people have differences. When we get into on accord, having the mind of Christ, heaven opens over us, filling our lives with greater influence.

When the Hebrew children stood between two opposing evils, they kept the faith and were delivered and promoted.
When Moses and the children stood between two oppositions they used delegated authority and went through.
When Stephen was opposed, he was compelled by love to stay strong in faith, receiving a standing encore from Jesus, as he was
welcomed into higher and heavenly places.

Hebrews chapter 11 shares with us a list of people whom faith framed their lives and gave them a place in History.
A place just like you and I can have as we live by faith and walk in the spirit of love through Chrisf Jesus.

Each of these people listed in Hebrews chapter 11 had opposition. They were men and women like you and I. They lived a real life with real adversity, but overcame.

Opposition only seeks to aide the believer ... Fueling their passion. The believe understands who the real enemy is, and that opposition is only a faith building tool.

For the believers, Satan has no hold (power), and they neither battle him, nor do they fight flesh and blood. For the believer the battle is over, the victory is already won.

A believer has only one fight. That is the good fight of faith. That is all they need to be contending Believers are geared to hold fast to their professions of faith. They are of a new nature. They do not live carnally, warring after devils and people. Instead they live productively as they uphold truth, and walk in love.

As for Satan (the devil, advisory, accuser) he only has one real weapon of warfare, and that is deception. Refuse to beat the air, it is a waste of energy. Do not waste your time in vain arguments. They are robbery. They rob us of precious time. Time that we could be using productively for good.

Give yourself fully to God. Walk in the Spirit ( of love ) ... learn the law of love and live by it. When you do, opposition will only act as a launching pad.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A glance a Jude

The book of Jude is one of those short letters that carries a dynamite punch. It is not one to be omitted from the established Word of God, and yet we tend to use only the high point of the written letter. By the high point I mean the favored portion of the text, better known as Jude verse twenty.

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost... ~ Jude 20

I too quote this text by heart. It is valuable and precious to use, however the genius of Jude is not complete in this portion of the text alone. There is much more that needs our attention. Matter of fact within the contemporary Bible there are twenty four other verses to be observed.

The general theme of Jude is the exhortation of keeping false doctrines out of the church. It is fortifying the body of Christ to keep it from separate doctrines which generate errors, party factions and splits.

Although it is not a large teaching, it is broad in it's declarations. It covers many things that can creep in through people. Things that can breed and become problematic.

These include everything from:

1. denying Jesus as the Christ
2. sexual immorality
3. jealousy
4. greed
5. murmuring
6. complaining
7. lack of respect for leadership or direction

Jude's teaching also encourages us to be mindful of *scoffers and to ** contend for the faith. As we share the truth in love with those who are in our care, we are also to detect and address error. It never suggest brow beating, but does open up the reality of strong teaching, and the proper use of graces. It also offers underlying teachings on both submission and prayer.

*to treat with Scorn (disrespect), to treat with contempt in word and/or action.
**to do all one can to maintain it

So while praying in the Spirit and getting built up on the most Holy Faith, it is good to know that there is a faith foundation that we stand on, one that is of a Godly order with guidelines for greatness.

Contend earnestly for the faith. Walk in love. Stay teachable. Do not scoff (disrespect) the truth.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Choose life

Decision: the act of deciding after much consideration.
Offering reward or consequences, wins or losses, blessing or cursing, life or death.

How will the decisions you make effect you and others?
Choose prayerfully.

Everyday decisions are made. People rise in the morning to minor decisions. Things like: what will I wear today? What's for breakfast?
These kinds of decisions are normally minor and have little to no real consequence, but others are much weightier.

Decisions like: Do I marry this person? Do I remain married, is divorce an option? Do I attend college, where do I attend? Do I have that drink? Should I attended anger management? Should I change jobs? Which church should I attend? Decisions are innumerable.

Anyone who is not comatose has decisions to make every day. Many of them will be made unconsciously, without consideration. Some of those decisions made without thought will not cause any real trouble or pain, others can be terminal. Some will have immediate rewards or repercussions, while others may come days, months, or years latter, but no decision is without reward or consequence.

The Word of God speaks to us through the Holy Scriptures informing us that the we can choose life or death. God being good, and full of love toward us, resounds the Right choice, as He says, "choose life."

Throughout the scripture choices are presented, as God has given us freewill and from this privileged seat of free will, we live with the reward or repercussion of our final decisions.

Many stand in the valley of decision at this moment, they are deciding whether to choose Jesus as Lord, or to take some other path. Some even believe all paths lead to God, which is a major and proven deception. God ( G, God) is unconditional love. All paths certainly do not lead to love, especially unconditional love. God, again dominate large G, God is life abundant and eternal. All paths do not lead to abundant and eternal life.

Then there is the matters of forgiveness, atonement, grace and so forth. To make a poor decision in this large valley resigns one to a life of hope and of an expected end, or to a life of constant termorial. Yet, choices do not end with this one great decision concerning eternity. It simply begins.

From here you will have many crossroads in which to make good life choices. Many people tend to live their lives from one crisis to another and wonder why God has not intervened, when the truth is, God is there all along waiting for you to make good "life" choices that He can prosper.

I have witnessed people deceived into believing they can receive Jesus as Lord and then live their lives reckless and still have this good life that is available. It saddens me to watch people being destroyed for a lack of knowledge or simply refusing truth.

Within the realm of God are many set principles that are conditional amidst the unconditional love of God. Principles set by love to offer us good success. While God desires to bless our lives to the full and even into the overflow we have s part to play. Even within the realms of miracles there is a God side and a man side. God so desires to work with men, that he has chosen them for His temple (dwelling place).

Whatever situation you are in right now, God has your solution, but you will have a part. Let me offer just a few examples.

If a person is over weight and keeps making choices to eat excessive and/or poorly while refusing to exercise will keep taking steps toward an unhealthy and shortened life. However, by making a decision to eat right, and exercise can cause one to live healthier, happier and extend their life. God will help you as you choose to live a more discipline life, but you will have to make natural changes.

A person living in poverty can resign there, or they can make choices to rise up to new levels of living. Excuses can be made, such as, "I just don't have the money for an education" or choices can be made to get to a local library, study freely, take any job until you can move to a better one, find out about school grants and/or free work shops. Communication can be made with people who have rose up out of the place you are in now, and above all live a life of faith and prayer. God makes ways, where there seems to be none available. He can and will lead you. He will do keep His covenant side.

Maybe your decisions seem to be more extreme or much harder decisions to make than those I have offered. Maybe you have life addictions and need help in your decision making. Help is available, but the choice you have to make is to get help, and from there you will have to choose to follow good and Godly instructions in order to reap the desired rewards.

Perhaps you need to come out of an abusive relationship, gang, cult or dysfunctional family lifestyle. Do not allow fear to hold you in bondage. Fear is a false sense of security, a ball and chain of deception. Fear is not from God, and will keep you from the good life that God intends you to enjoy. Choose life and allow God to help you be free. There is a way!

God wants to be involved in every area of your life. He wants you to prosper, succeed and be happy. God desires that you embrace Him now,so He can embrace you eternally, but the choice is yours. He will never stop loving you, but He will allow you to reject him. He will also allow you to make your own life choices. Love is not controlling, but is freeing.

God will allow you to make poor choices, yet all the while He will encourage and direct you to good ones. If you side with God in anything, the results will be good, resulting in life and blessing.

Even within the realms of danger good choices result in life and promotion. Some Biblical recordings are the Hebrew children, Daniel, Joseph, Esther, Abraham and alon with many others who have gone before us. Even in the death of many, life was extended as God choices were made.

Jesus is the ultimate example. In His birth and earth life, God was revealed. In His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension life was offered. In his living we too can enjoy life and abundance ... By choose.

God has pre-determined a good life for you, and offers it to you through His only begotten son (who through adoption is the first born of many) but for you to enjoy this life you must be grafted in through grace by faith.

Choose Jesus. Choose life.
And in choosing Him, make good choices for a free, happy, successful and blessed life from here to eternity.