I am forever learning, however after decades of prayer I have learned a few things. Often times the things I learn are from patterns. Some of the patterns are good and need be repeated, others vain and would be best if they were never repeated.
Effective prayer is not a vain ritual of repetitions, but rather life and power through relationship. Jesus expressed relationship when he was responding to the disciples saying, "teach us to pray".
What we call the Lord's prayer is not meant to be just a mere dialogue to be repeated, but an express teaching to be understood. I like to look at it from time to time in a most simple way. Especially when so much prayer and prayer teaching begins to veer off into ineffective works, spiritual pride, judgement and hinges on the edge of Idolatry and witchcraft.
So today I look again into the teaching of Jesus Himself.
You know the same Jesus who taught that unless we become as a little child,we will not be able to enter the kingdom.
There is a kingdom of God, and as we seek first that Kingdom, and the righteousness (right ways) of God, we will find all else being added to us. Life will truly be good.
Our Father ( here we are directed to a Spirit person "Father" for communication (relationship).
Who art in Heaven (denoting God's dwelling in a high seat).
*might I also add here, you too have been seated with Him in heavenly places by Christ Jesus.
Hallowed be thy name (honor and respect in the relationship).
Thy Kingdom come (the acknowledgement of stewardship verses ownership).
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ( surrender of personal will to that of the creator, with expectation of heavenly good on earth).
Give us this day our daily bread (ego is dismissed, while with humble heart, and open hands we ready ourselves to receive from a greater source, and larger bounty).
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (true humility recognizes that we all fall short of the glory of God, and everyone stands in need of forgiveness, and likewise needing to forgive).
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil (acknowledgement of this earth walk includes God's willingness to hear us as we pray, and of His loving ability to guide us in our walk).
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever ... Amen.
*although this was added as a tag on by certain translators, it is a pleasant reminder of the greatness of our God, and aides us in keeping ourselves from self righteousness and pride.
In a world that is screaming at God from their seats of anger, bitterness, hurt, desperation, rebellion or other disrobing attitudes. There is a God who longs for fellowship (have relationship), and is willing to help us every area of life, if He is allowed.
Today is set before you life or death ... Choose life.