Wednesday, February 16, 2011

When Opposition Comes

Opposition is realistic, it comes. A person can either be beaten and broken down by it, or they can keep the faith and get the victory.

What is opposition?

1. the act of opposing or the state of being opposed
2. hostility, unfriendliness, or antagonism
3. a person or group who differ in ideas
4. a position facing or opposite another
5. something that acts as an obstacle to some course or progress

What do you do when opposition is behind you, and before you?
You move forward in faith.
You never wrangle with the adversary, you just move forward in faith.

To wrangle is loud, angry argument to get victory.
One may perceive or appear to get a victory by wrangling, yet in the end they will find that they have been deceived.

There is a better way to victory; the way of unity; the way of faith ignited by love. This way commands blessing.

The word tells us that love never fails; that faith is always the victory; and that unity commands the blessing.
Agreement is what God responds to favorably when people have differences. When we get into on accord, having the mind of Christ, heaven opens over us, filling our lives with greater influence.

When the Hebrew children stood between two opposing evils, they kept the faith and were delivered and promoted.
When Moses and the children stood between two oppositions they used delegated authority and went through.
When Stephen was opposed, he was compelled by love to stay strong in faith, receiving a standing encore from Jesus, as he was
welcomed into higher and heavenly places.

Hebrews chapter 11 shares with us a list of people whom faith framed their lives and gave them a place in History.
A place just like you and I can have as we live by faith and walk in the spirit of love through Chrisf Jesus.

Each of these people listed in Hebrews chapter 11 had opposition. They were men and women like you and I. They lived a real life with real adversity, but overcame.

Opposition only seeks to aide the believer ... Fueling their passion. The believe understands who the real enemy is, and that opposition is only a faith building tool.

For the believers, Satan has no hold (power), and they neither battle him, nor do they fight flesh and blood. For the believer the battle is over, the victory is already won.

A believer has only one fight. That is the good fight of faith. That is all they need to be contending Believers are geared to hold fast to their professions of faith. They are of a new nature. They do not live carnally, warring after devils and people. Instead they live productively as they uphold truth, and walk in love.

As for Satan (the devil, advisory, accuser) he only has one real weapon of warfare, and that is deception. Refuse to beat the air, it is a waste of energy. Do not waste your time in vain arguments. They are robbery. They rob us of precious time. Time that we could be using productively for good.

Give yourself fully to God. Walk in the Spirit ( of love ) ... learn the law of love and live by it. When you do, opposition will only act as a launching pad.