Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Words have Power

The entire Bible is a textbook that comes alive by Spirit.  It reveals to us who God is, who we are and offers us the means of power through Jesus Christ unto a godly and successful life.

Jesus himself came to us as "God from God".   God who was and is and is to come.  Jesus the Word made flesh.  That human flesh then sacrificed to atone for our sin, that we might live free through our belief (faith) and confession.  In a sense we are a whole sum of Words ~ God himself creator who according to the Bible and our Faith was and is Word, operative by Himself (the Spirit of Love).

We came into existence by Word.  When we are born again it is through the life and blood of Jesus and Faiths confession.  Today we live by our Faith ... through heart belief and Words!
Pro. 18:21
Mt. 12:37
Lu. 19:22
Job 22:28

Realizing it or not  we daily live and receive good and evil according to words.  We have the power of choice, the power of decree.

Truth be told:
Fear, sickness, diseases, poverty, evil manifestations is all set in motion through the power of decree and or by a decree received.  The good news is ... so does all good such as happiness, success, healthy, joy, peace, prosperity, and all manner of good.   Our amazing God first decreed it to be this way, so it is today!

Word is like seed ~ it has power within itself to create.  Thus by our Words we create weedy dry, fruitless lives that cause problems for ourselves and others or,  clean, well watered, fruitful lives that we enjoy and bless others by and  glorify God.

As said, the fruitful live glorifies God.  The weedy, dry, fruitless life becomes a land for all evils.  You can see this from Jesus own words in Matthew 12:43 and Luke 11:34 as well as John 15:8.
In Matthew and Luke we find the enemy seeks rest, and of course he never finds rest (evil doesn't rest),  yet he walks through dry places seeking (they hate watered lands ... speaking of the watering of the word God.  They know they have no place in these kind of areas.

The word says that our of our bellies shall flow rivers of living waters.  What are rivers?  The rivers of God are streams of faith filled God Word.

Everyone has something flowing out of them all the time ... the words spoken are either sweet unto life or bitter and poison unto death.

Our minds are breeding grounds for good or evil and as we think we become.  We will think on a thing and then speak of it and become it.  The tongue is what takes us down rivers for good or evil.  It is like a rudder on a boat steering our course. 

The Kingdom of God is a kingdom ruled by the law of love.  All good dwells within the kingdom.  There is no darkness there.  The Son is the light.  We are to live by those laws here in planet earth as Christ like.
We are here as ambassadors to reconcile people back unto God. We are to witness life, truth, the way ... the Christ.  And our prayers should be in 'kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven form'.

We are according to truth Kings and priest ... we are chose to be in royal position here and now.  We as those Kings and priest must learn to live clean lives of decree.  Understanding the royal position of King one, must know that when the King decrees a thing ... it is so.  It is like saying ... "let it be" ... and then it is so!

Decree defines as:
  • an official order from a delegate (one who has had power delegated to them)
  • a court ruling that holds
  • a divine will that is processed
God decreed (spoke with and by) his own authority (power of his word) and the worlds were framed.  He said, "let there be ... and it was so".  He willed it, he ordered it and he ruled it!

It is in Hebrew chapter eleven that we read:
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed "by" the word of God so the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Hebrews chapter eleven is commonly called the Hall of Faith which precedes to share with us that it was through (by) faith those who have gone before us obtained a good report ... a better life.  God word (will) spoken in faith is always equivalent to life and good.

We cannot be reminded often enough of the power that dwells within us for good or evil.  Our thoughts and words actively producing.  We must come to the knowledge of the truth concerning these matters.  Our thoughts, imaginations and words are loaded with power.

Think of it in the terms of a loaded weapon.  Weapons can be used for good in the sense of survival, but also for evil in the sense of murder.  We would never in our right might play around with a loaded weapons.  Yet, unconsciously we play with loaded words, thoughts and imagines every day to the point of causing hardships and even death.  It is time to wake up unto the power of our Words!