desires good lives for each of us, it is His will for us to live
prosperous and productive lives.
Jeremiah reveals to us in chapter 29
verse 11 that God has good plans for our lives. They are plans of hope
and future! Jesus assured us in John 10:10 that he came to give us life
and that more abundantly.
To walk in these good plans we must learn to accept that they have been offered to us. That they are God's will for our lives.
We are made creatures of free will. We have the ability to choose life or death, blessing or cursing. We can accept or decline according to our will. That is a God given privilege. God does not control us as some assume.
In a sense people do what they want to do, and when their want to is large enough they move into their desires.
God cannot and will not help us until we call upon him and accept His response to our cry.
According to Biblical Truth, God is a present help in time of trouble, but we must call upon him. He is willing to aide us and relieve us from the effects of noonday sun, physical ills, spiritual dullness, poverty, ignorance, pestilence, fears and all evils you can imagine (not that you should try to imagine evils, please don't).
However, if you find yourself embarking evil it is a great time to call upon the Lord for His help. Even for temptations He provides way of escape.
God is a every present. He is just waiting for you and I to call upon Him.
Once we call, He makes help available.
Therefore, if you are embarking evil today ... Call out. If you have physical ills, allow him to offer his healing balm. If you heart has been broken, He waits to mend it. Needing Wisdom? He has it in generous supply and He is willing to offer it to you.
Maybe you are tired and weary, if so go to him for rest and recovery. Perhaps, you need help monetarily, allow him to lead you to your supply. It may be a job, a raise or perhaps favor. Whatever the problem, God has your solution.
If you are WILLING to call upon him; if you are WILLING to obey His ways and work with Him, you will soon find yourself free of the problem and walking in the victorious life and abundance that He sent Jesus to provide for you!
Why not let go and let God help? He is waiting for you to will Him into your life! He has already willed you into His!