The Word of God encourages us to make the love of God our greatest aim. Thus, we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, allowing all else to be added to us.
I John 4:8 reads like this:
He who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love. The kind of love that never fails.
So we cannot seek God without desiring love, but not just any love, but the God-Kind of Love that never ceases and is unfailing. The kind of love that is forever forgiving, and opened armed in receiving. This kind of love we speak of is the Agape.
- affection,
- good will
- brotherly love
- The kind of love that is selfless and expects nothing in return, it is unconditional, and eternal.
- The kind of Love as revealed in Jesus, seen as spiritual and selfless and a model for humanity.
Love is Gods way of prospering us Spirit, Soul and Body. Certainly we find in the Word that faith is what pleases God, but it is love that activates our faith.
This is not mere natural faith that pleases God, it is the God-kind of faith that pleases Him, and love ignites it. A fiery love that is ready to accelerate faith to action. For faith without works is dead.
We can't receive of someones goodness today and snub our noses at them the next and except to be successful at walking out the plan of God. Nor can we assume to control the direction that God has set for others, just because it does not align with our personal ideas.
There are biblical absolutes for all people, but there is also the divine personal leading of the Holy Spirit that takes each person on their journey in life. Each then should work together in harmony to fulfill the great co-mission of Christ; each laboring in the field together along the way.
Life is good when brethren walk together in unity. Psalms 133:1 from the Gods Word Translation reads: See how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in harmony!
Ephesians chapter 1-2 offers us a wonderful picture of the Work of Christ toward the Body today living together as one entity, that He himself might make a great impact in planet earth.
Often times I find that there are such partisan strife that I fall to prayer, praying that the body does not devour itself, but in love learn to serve one another.
While unity will call down a blessing from on high, divisions will destroy the desired work of God through Christ Jesus and his body today.
In I Cor. 3:4-6 Paul speaks out:
4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?
5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?
6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
Paul was speaking out against party factions. One wanting to make much of Pauls greatness and another of Apollos greatness. Paul was having any part in this, but made it clear that each of us as ministers are working together in the fields now white, not unto vain glory and followings, but that God might increase.
I again become prayerful that too many are trying to build camps instead of the kingdom. Each person should have their camp, and should know where they belong in the Body of Christ. However, each camp should be working together in the matter of who's side we are on. We are the army of God, made of many camps, moving and serving together in one faith fight. Standing together to uphold the Great Commission and bring in the harvest.
Are we many bodies?
Are we not One voice crying out 'Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand'... One people working together in love with Jesus not separated from him in pride, jealousy, strife and faction.
In life we are many ... in the body many members. Each member having their place in planet earth. From the shoes salesman who witnesses Christ to the young man purchasing shoes, to the cashier in the local supermarket with the register as her podium, to the fisher man on the river with a fishing pole talking to the lost soul next to him about Christ, to the helps ministries in and out of the church of every sort, gender and color, to the Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher within the body of Christ as five fold ministers, are we not all called to walk our faith in love? To fight the good fight of faith together?
Will we fight the good fight of faith together? Or will we be the ones standing watching as the others fall by the way.
Are we not One voice crying out 'Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand'... One people working together in love with Jesus not separated from him in pride, jealousy, strife and faction.
In life we are many ... in the body many members. Each member having their place in planet earth. From the shoes salesman who witnesses Christ to the young man purchasing shoes, to the cashier in the local supermarket with the register as her podium, to the fisher man on the river with a fishing pole talking to the lost soul next to him about Christ, to the helps ministries in and out of the church of every sort, gender and color, to the Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher within the body of Christ as five fold ministers, are we not all called to walk our faith in love? To fight the good fight of faith together?
Will we fight the good fight of faith together? Or will we be the ones standing watching as the others fall by the way.
Will we be the one who has ability to help the other and yet watch as they are taken captive without doing all possible to help them walk free and continue in the battle, because we desire some personal fame or recognition?
If we are in Christ ... we are not our own! If we be in Christ it is no longer "I" that lives, but Christ living in us! The "I" factor is over in Christ! The "He" and the "We" factor is all that remains.
If we are in Christ ... we are not our own! If we be in Christ it is no longer "I" that lives, but Christ living in us! The "I" factor is over in Christ! The "He" and the "We" factor is all that remains.
So let's walk together in love, our faith ignited in these last days. Lets move together in obedience to the Word of God. LET US cross over ... to the land of healing and miracles as we walk in love and let our light shine.
There is one requirement ... One commandment ... One Factor that makes our Faith dynamic: