- To nourish
- To fill
- To fill with inspiration
- To fill with power
- To build up
- To rebuild
- To make good
As Christians our meat is to do the will of the Father. However, we need daily bread (God's Word), we need fresh living waters, as well as the meat of purpose (will).
I have seen to many Christians fall by the way side as they attempt to "do the will" of God. They begin well, but soon burn out because they are burning at both ends. They work in the office all week, prepare for several weekly services, counsel, and then take service home with them, often sitting up all hours of the night praying and mulling around ways to help others. They become "World Fixers". Which I will add, is an impossible task.
God has not called us to fix people. He has called us to be ministers of reconciliation. We are to reconcile men to God. We are to direct them to the Father and his way of living and doing things. But it is up to each person whether they receive him and/or apply truth that will set them free.
I find people are often more driven than led, and when a person is driven so far, they are tired, frustrated, they become cranky and get ill. We are not to be driven, we are to be led. To drive holds the idea of control and tyranny; to be led, offers direction and leaves one free to choose whether they follow or not.
God has never driven anyone. He has spoken, shined a light and gave us his assistance toward life and abundance and empowered, but never driven. God offers us the ability to choose. He gives us free will. Anything that is driving us needs to be kept in check ... even our godly passions.
The Word of God tells us that we are to receive daily bread; that rivers of living waters should be bubbling up within us. We are also to be filled and re-filled. We do this from spending time in the presence of God. Reading the Word, praying and meditating. We are not to be left bone dry and wanting.
When a person is driven they often fail to eat, they forget to replenish. Their sleep is disrupted. They forget that Jesus came to give life and that more abundantly, and they often end up losing their own soul.
Our lives are to be lived in balance. God gave us seasons for reasons. He created us to sleep and to wake. He even shares with us how we are to live our lives unto godliness and success. So be sure to look unto the author and finisher of faith (of life) for direction. You and your family are as important as anyone else in the World.
When God tells us it is possible to win the entire World and lose our own soul. We must hear him. When he says, Woe to the man who goes to bed late and gets up early. We need to take heed. When he says that we are to use temperance in all things, he has a purpose.
God cares deeply about you, and longs to empower you to greatness. He longs for you to live a rich life without sorrows. But he will never drive you, he will however help you. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit ... our helper, the one that will lead us into all truth; truth that will set us free and aide us in living our lives strong.
The next time you are feeling driven. Stop and regroup. Take some time out to put things into proper prospective.
- Get into the presence of God and replenish.
- Get built up.
- Get direction
Life is good when we live it in Balance!