Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The unencumbered life of faith

What does it mean to be unencumbered? Technically it simply means to be free of encumbrance, or anything that encumbers.

Encumber defines as:
to weigh down, burden, hinder, hold back, shackle, obstruct, or short circuit.

Hebrews 12:1-2 Amplified Translation reads as follows:
Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,

Verse 2
Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the leader and the source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

We can see from Hebrews 12:1, that God intends us to “strip off and throw aside” all that would encumber us. We need to get rid of anything that would weigh down, burden, hinder, hold back, shackle, obstruct, or short circuit our faith life.

God expects us to strip off burdens. To hear some people tell it God is heaping the burdens on his people. He wants us to get rid of anything that hinders our faith race. If it obstructs us or short circuits our progress than it is not from God. He is not holding us back or shackling us.

How do we strip off burdens?
The answer is prayer, we are to cast our cares over on Him for he cares for us.
We are to let go of all anxiety and pray in faith believing.

We are to live our lives "in trust" instead of "encumbered."

• When people know God then they will do valiantly.
• When they know his character, they will refuse to run with weights

God wants us to rise up to faith exploits, but when we allow wrong thinking to keep us encumbered, our lives will not produce as God intends.

Daniel 11:32 says,
… the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.

Exploits defines as:

Brave and daring acts

People who are encumbered will never rise up to the brave and daring acts.

• What is holding you down?
• What floods you with fear, and leaves you cowering behind the starting line, or
has you stuck at the mid way point?
• Why are you not rising up bravely to the next daring act of faith?

Whatever it is … strip it off and throw it aside, so you can move upward and onward toward the finish line with liberty and joy.

I hear people talk about how God has burdened them concerning someone or something … the truth is God may drop within you an assignment, but it is not for you to carry. It is for you to deliver.

God desires that you to deliver in prayer for him to perform as you act in faith. This is where the bravery and daring acts begin.

God may drop within you an assignment for prayer, but you are not to walk around carrying it like some kind of heavy package delivered to you by God that is just dragging you down.

Pray it out (cast it over to the Lord with a Faith Voice). Open yourself up to the Holy Spirit (give an ear) to directions concerning the assignment. Should the Lord speak a direction to you (he may or may not), but if he does, be brave and dare to act.

Somethings are to be simply prayed upon. Others are to be prayed out and acted upon. Stay senstive to the Spirit and know the difference.

We are so blessed to be children of God. Our lives should be lived totally “care” free. In other words we should not be bogged down with worries and fears, burdened with all the worlds events and evils.

This is not to say we are to be cold, frivolous and without compassion. Nor does it mean we should not do something to make a difference. It is actually the opposite … faith acts.

Faith does not just sit around on its hands. People of faith keep fellowship with God through prayer, and response to God directions for His kingdom to produce in earth as it is in heaven.

If you were to ask folk if they believe there is sickness, disease, poverty or lack in heaven, they are quick to say, “No I do not believe these things are in heaven.”

You can ask, do you believe that when Jesus said, thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven that he was lying about it. They would say, "No, I don't believe Jesus lies."

Yet, they live their lives as if we are to be sick, diseased, poverty stricken and in lack. They live as if we just have to drag through life with the weights and burdens of all manner of evils clinging to our lives. And that we are even meant to drag around all the World’s sins, errors and weights too.

Oh, that we might know God!
Oh, that we might live our lives in complete surrender to the liberating truth.

~ Joshua 1:1-9

Oh, that we might be brave and very courageous, meditating on the truth daily and doing all according to Gods preordained and arranged plans. Then we would prosper and have good success in our lives. Then we would do exploits … and the world would be turned around.

Faith is the victory. There is no clauses … just “Faith is the Victory!”

I John 5:1-5 speaks to us about God and keep his commandments, and as keep those commandments, we are known as the children of God. It also speaks to us about how these commands are not grievous (hard to bear up under).

Grievous denotes:
sorrow, sadness, aggravation, pain, anguish, misfortune, despair, disaster, stress, distress, unhappiness, and other evils.

God does not want you to walk around planet earth all bummed out!
He wants you to walk around light and bright and dispelling darkness as you go.

God is not interested in all of your false humility. He is interested in your faith and true humility. True Faith and humility is simply siding with and yielding to the written truth of God’s documented Word and living Spirit.

I John 5:14 goes on to tell us that once we have the witness that we are secure in our son ship that we can ask anything that aligns with the will of God (which is His written documented Word) and we will have what we ask of Him.

Now that is liberating!

That is the unencumbered life of faith!