Decision: the act of deciding after much consideration.
Offering reward or consequences, wins or losses, blessing or cursing, life or death.
How will the decisions you make effect you and others?
Choose prayerfully.
Everyday decisions are made. People rise in the morning to minor decisions. Things like: what will I wear today? What's for breakfast?
These kinds of decisions are normally minor and have little to no real consequence, but others are much weightier.
Decisions like: Do I marry this person? Do I remain married, is divorce an option? Do I attend college, where do I attend? Do I have that drink? Should I attended anger management? Should I change jobs? Which church should I attend? Decisions are innumerable.
Anyone who is not comatose has decisions to make every day. Many of them will be made unconsciously, without consideration. Some of those decisions made without thought will not cause any real trouble or pain, others can be terminal. Some will have immediate rewards or repercussions, while others may come days, months, or years latter, but no decision is without reward or consequence.
The Word of God speaks to us through the Holy Scriptures informing us that the we can choose life or death. God being good, and full of love toward us, resounds the Right choice, as He says, "choose life."
Throughout the scripture choices are presented, as God has given us freewill and from this privileged seat of free will, we live with the reward or repercussion of our final decisions.
Many stand in the valley of decision at this moment, they are deciding whether to choose Jesus as Lord, or to take some other path. Some even believe all paths lead to God, which is a major and proven deception. God ( G, God) is unconditional love. All paths certainly do not lead to love, especially unconditional love. God, again dominate large G, God is life abundant and eternal. All paths do not lead to abundant and eternal life.
Then there is the matters of forgiveness, atonement, grace and so forth. To make a poor decision in this large valley resigns one to a life of hope and of an expected end, or to a life of constant termorial. Yet, choices do not end with this one great decision concerning eternity. It simply begins.
From here you will have many crossroads in which to make good life choices. Many people tend to live their lives from one crisis to another and wonder why God has not intervened, when the truth is, God is there all along waiting for you to make good "life" choices that He can prosper.
I have witnessed people deceived into believing they can receive Jesus as Lord and then live their lives reckless and still have this good life that is available. It saddens me to watch people being destroyed for a lack of knowledge or simply refusing truth.
Within the realm of God are many set principles that are conditional amidst the unconditional love of God. Principles set by love to offer us good success. While God desires to bless our lives to the full and even into the overflow we have s part to play. Even within the realms of miracles there is a God side and a man side. God so desires to work with men, that he has chosen them for His temple (dwelling place).
Whatever situation you are in right now, God has your solution, but you will have a part. Let me offer just a few examples.
If a person is over weight and keeps making choices to eat excessive and/or poorly while refusing to exercise will keep taking steps toward an unhealthy and shortened life. However, by making a decision to eat right, and exercise can cause one to live healthier, happier and extend their life. God will help you as you choose to live a more discipline life, but you will have to make natural changes.
A person living in poverty can resign there, or they can make choices to rise up to new levels of living. Excuses can be made, such as, "I just don't have the money for an education" or choices can be made to get to a local library, study freely, take any job until you can move to a better one, find out about school grants and/or free work shops. Communication can be made with people who have rose up out of the place you are in now, and above all live a life of faith and prayer. God makes ways, where there seems to be none available. He can and will lead you. He will do keep His covenant side.
Maybe your decisions seem to be more extreme or much harder decisions to make than those I have offered. Maybe you have life addictions and need help in your decision making. Help is available, but the choice you have to make is to get help, and from there you will have to choose to follow good and Godly instructions in order to reap the desired rewards.
Perhaps you need to come out of an abusive relationship, gang, cult or dysfunctional family lifestyle. Do not allow fear to hold you in bondage. Fear is a false sense of security, a ball and chain of deception. Fear is not from God, and will keep you from the good life that God intends you to enjoy. Choose life and allow God to help you be free. There is a way!
God wants to be involved in every area of your life. He wants you to prosper, succeed and be happy. God desires that you embrace Him now,so He can embrace you eternally, but the choice is yours. He will never stop loving you, but He will allow you to reject him. He will also allow you to make your own life choices. Love is not controlling, but is freeing.
God will allow you to make poor choices, yet all the while He will encourage and direct you to good ones. If you side with God in anything, the results will be good, resulting in life and blessing.
Even within the realms of danger good choices result in life and promotion. Some Biblical recordings are the Hebrew children, Daniel, Joseph, Esther, Abraham and alon with many others who have gone before us. Even in the death of many, life was extended as God choices were made.
Jesus is the ultimate example. In His birth and earth life, God was revealed. In His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension life was offered. In his living we too can enjoy life and abundance ... By choose.
God has pre-determined a good life for you, and offers it to you through His only begotten son (who through adoption is the first born of many) but for you to enjoy this life you must be grafted in through grace by faith.
Choose Jesus. Choose life.
And in choosing Him, make good choices for a free, happy, successful and blessed life from here to eternity.