Friday, May 28, 2010

Spirit Consciousness

Spirit-Consciousness is:

— vital when being led by the Spirit of God., it is essential to be aware our spirit nature.

Going back to the three dimensional man "Spirit, Soul and Body" ... we often find people confusing the order of the matter.

Man is not a Body who has a soul and spirit ... This makes the Physical or flesh dominant ... and it is not. It dies daily.

The Soul if put first is deceptive and will leave one in many troubles. But if we appropriate the truth of man we will find He is a Spirit (eternal invisible being) ...he has a Soul (mind will emotions), and he lives in a Body (physical carriage, encasing).

If we do not understand this in it's proper order ... we will be dominated by either Body or Soul instead of being Spirit led.

We must become aware of God as a Spirit living within us, if we are to be led by the Spirit. We must be conscious that God (love) is a Spirit, and that we like him (in his image and likeness) are Spirit. Numbers 23:19 says that God is a Spirit as well as John 4:4.

We not a mere man (physical being) or a unimbodied spirit. With the awareness that God is Spirit and we too are spirit ... we become Spirit conscious and alive to the Spirit realm that can both properly worship and be led.

When are born we are born with a human spirit, however we are born into sinfulness. Once we recieve Jesus as Lord, allowing God's nature to move in and make abode within us, we are (born again) ... we recieve a new spirit ... The Spirit of God himself who as we yeild human spirit become one.

A good parrallel of this would be; If our human spirit was powedered lemonade ... and the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit) was Water ... when the powedered lemonade comes into contact with the water ... the water is dominate and the two become one. Now we are ONE Spirit. Living and moving by and through the Spirit of God.

What Is the Difference Between Spirit and Soul?

  • The soul contacts the intellectual realm.

  • The spirit contacts the spiritual realm.

Both are needed. But the soul that reaches the intellectual realm (the more shallow realm) ...this realm can only receive from the place of programing (the natural), while through the Spirit realm you reach beyond the programs, beyond the natural to the supernatural ... from which Spirit life and deep revelation flow. It is with the Spirit that you can reach into the depths of the Ancient of Days with understanding and launch out into the future of yet to be, while living and moving succesffully in the present.

Hebrews 4:12

The word of God divides (parts) between the soul (natural) and spirit (supernatural) ... it opens a complete new realm to us. A deeper more satisfying realm. A realm of deep truths that will set us free and keep us free. Where as the natural realm / the realm of the Soul leaves us with a discontentment, a void that always needs.

When the Lord is Shepherd ... you do not want, you do not fear, and goodness and mercy are always with you. Ps. 23

When we are living from the Spirit there is not lack in our lives ( no voids ) ... we live complete and whole lives. We walk in soul peace and prosperity, as well as physical and mental well being, as we also walk in personal success and wealth. Ps. 84:11

Note, verse. 2 of Ps. 84 how the soul longs for this place ... it is within the deep places of the spirit life, that the soul is satisfied.

I Cor. 2:12 ...
The only way we will ever know or have all that God has freely offered to us is through the Spirit. The Natural man can not receive it and the soul can not. Each are in subject to the Spirit realm.

  • It is with the body we contact the physical realm.
    It is with the soul we contact the intellectual realm.
    It is with the Spirit that we contact the spirit realm.

Because of this there is a need today for us to be "Spirit filled" According to John 14-16 and Acts 1-4. You see by the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the Evidence of other tongues ( baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire ... if you will) ... we can contact the Spirit realm in a way we would not be able to without this wonderful gift God has offered us.

When pray in the Spirit (with the Spirit) we connect beyond the natural arena. ~ I Cor. 14:14

Romans 8 tells us that we pray in this manner when we don't know (from natural means, intellect) how to pray as we should. This is how the Holy Spirit can help us when we need help and don't know what to do, or which way to go. ~I Jo. 2:20

It is also a comfort and a building up of ones' self in Spirit consciousnesses. ~Jude 20

The Saving of the Soul

Saving the soul is a process.

The spirit is reborn immediately upon belief and confession, but the soul must be renewed or restored with the Word of God, which is a process. It is a process of hearing God truths, siding with them, through belief and confession just like the born again means, however it is a longer process as there is an infinite amount of Spirit knowledge to acquire. Paul himself said, that he had not attained the God was, but was pressing toward it ... with a desire to obtain it.

Romans 12:2 ... the mind needs to be renewed. This is a process that works toward our soul salvation ... though we are born of the Spirit already.

James 1:21 ... this tells us that as we receive willingly and freely what God is saying to us in His Word that it works toward the saving of our souls (keeps us from destructive deceptions).

Ps. 23:3 ... tells us that our souls are restored. This would be to be put back to the right state of being . When we are born ... we are all born into sin. Thus we learn and practice sin in some degree until we are reborn and allow our souls to be restored to a God quality state.

Perfect and complete.

*Our next session we will contineu with ... Presenting Our Bodies

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What is Being Led by the Spirit?

Romans 8:14
  • The Lamp of the Lord — God guides us through our spirit, not our physical senses or our mentality.

~Pro. 20:27 Ps. 18:28 Pro. 31:18

God will enlighten us ... He will guide us by His Spirit.

And just what kind of Spirit is God?
He is Love.
Therefore if you are to walk in the light of the Spirit you must walk in love.

You must be love led.
You must be Word led.

When you are ... you will walk an unfailing life of peace, joy, goodness, and favor and so much more.

Anytime we walk outside of God's Word and Spirit of love we find ourselves off track. People often do this by trying to follow their feelings ... which is the realm of the soul

~ Spirit trumps Soul.
We are to be Spirit led ... not senses led.

To be sense led is not faith. The Sense (soul realm) has to do with the 5 senses "sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smelling" ... and senses are often deceived.

Something may look one way and be another. It may sound like one thing, but be another ... and so forth. But the Spirit is the deeper man, operating from pure Truth. It is the unseen man. Peter calls this the hidden man of the heart. Since faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. To walk in faith and be led by the Spirit, is to be led by the inner most parts.

  • Man: An Eternal Spirit ~ Gen. 1:26-27
Man is a Spirit, has a Soul, and lives in a Body.

— There is a difference between our inward man and our outward man.

The inward man is a spirit. God does something with the inward man, but not the outward man. We must do something with the outward man.

~ God transforms us from within ... The Word renews our thinking and gives us light to live by. ~ Psalms 119:130 The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple ... but it is up to us to respond to God's Word and walk in the light. It is up to us to mentally side with the Word so our minds are renewed to proper arenas of thinking.

Often times I hear people say the life of God has nothing to do with mental assent. That is a lack of understanding. We must give assent to the Word of God if we are ever to have our minds renewed, now, the life of God IS MORE THAN mental assent.

It is first mentally agreeing with God's Word, but the Word then drops into the very deep part of man (Spirit) and becomes an active part of who he or she is ... but it does begin with mentally agreeing with God's Word.

Once our minds are changed and the Word is written within our heart ... our actions change. However, if we rebel against it
, or fail to give assent to God's Word we will continue in our own stinking thinking, and our actions remain the same.

The Good News is ... when we side with God, change our minds and do things God's way, we find ourselves living
a wonderful life that is filled with love, joy, peace and all manner of blessing. We live the life Jesus offered us ... life and that more abundant.

The outer man (body and soul ... the place of the senses) will one day decease. But the inward man(Spirit) will live eternally. ~ II Cor. 4:16

When Jesus talked to Nicodemus in John chapter 3 about the New Birth. He was talking about a Spiritual renewal. He was not saying to be go back into the womb and be reborn. He was talking about a totally New life given by the Spirit.

He told Nicodemus ..."unless a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." One must have Spirit eyes to see the kingdom of God. Natural man can not see it. And one cannot have Spirit eyes without Spiritual renewal (new birth).

Since Nicodemus being natural could only think naturally ... he said ... "how is it a man can be born over when he is old?" He was thinking of the natural birth ... vs. the Spirit birth that Jesus was speaking.

This is why Jesus said to him, "that which is born of the flesh is of the flesh ... but that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit."

Once we give assent to the truth of God's Word [Romans 10:9-10] we are born again ... God's Spirit moves in and will lead us as we allow. When we are born again ... we have been born and come alive to the Spirit. This is when old things pass away (are let go of) and all things become new (beginning with the renewal of the mind).

From this born again spirit nature, we are lead into all truth (II Cor. 5:17) ... even into the truth of being filled to an overflow with the Holy Spirit (with the evidence of other tongues according to John chapters 14-16 and Acts chapters 1-4. Once we receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of other tongues we are empowered to be the witnesses we are intended to be.

This ends the first session of 'What is Being Led by the Spirit?' Next Session ... "Spirit Consciousness"

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Kingdom of God within You

Romans 12:2 Don't become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants-what is good, pleasing, and perfect. ~ God's Word

Amazing how many people know this text, but still live in the vein of stinkin' thinkin', pardon the grammar. A healthy Christian thinks on things that are: true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable; things that are excellent and worthy of praise. To think in the negative, to think down or be judgmentally is off track with God.

God is love and Love ... always looks for the best! Yet, we have professing Christians bad mouthing themselves, and others regularly.

Some people talk more about judgment than God's goodness, even though it is the kindness of God, that draws man to repentance. God is a good God. Our christian message is 'good news.'

Even in the vein of repentance Jesus message was a good news message. ~ Mt. 4:17
"Turn to God and change the way you think and act, because the kingdom of heaven is near." ~God's Word translation

This was not a brow beating Jesus ... screaming 'REPENT' in a judgmental, critical, harsh, turn or burn manner. If that were the case ... the harshness of God draws man to repentance and that is not biblical.

Jesus was crying out with compassion for people ... "Turn to God (who is love), change your thinking and actions. Why ... "For the Kingdom of heaven is near." It is so very near, matter of factly ... it is within you. It is a very part of you. ~ Luke 17:20-21

God's kingdom is not an earthen kingdom ... it is an inside kingdom. It is within you! You are the temple of God. The place of his dwelling!

You are to be God (love) carriers. Love (God) should be living inside of every believer. Like well springs, fresh living waters should be flowing out ... sweet waters of mercy and loving-kindness, not poisonous bitter waters of hate, criticisms, brow beating accusations and condemnations.

Love rules in God's kingdom. If Love is not ruling you ... then who's kingdom are you really of? What Spirit are you?

If you are not thinking from a mindset of love ... then your thinking as a believe is off course, and your faith will be inactive, for faith works by love. You may yell and scream, judge, critisize and condemn and get some people to cry. You might pressure others to repentance. But their lives will not be transformed by God. They will just be living beneath harsh, empty religious control.

I have watched as people have struggled through life (yes even in church) from such bondage. This should not be ... The Word of God promises us that "He whom the son sets free is free in deed." Jesus is liberating, he is not controlling.

Matter of fact Jesus is so liberating, that he gives us the free will to choose our own lifestyles. Life or Death; Blessings or Cursing; Obedience or Disobedience ... He does not control. People are forever saying ..."Well, God is in control." But that is not always true. He will aid you in the sense of taking the "helm" so to speak as you allow him place, but God is not controlling.

Even in Galatians chapter twenty-two when speaking of the Fruit of the Spirit ... one of the characteristics is SELF-CONTROL. The Holy Spirit's (the one sent to us to be just like Jesus) characteristic is self control ... it never suggest that God will control you like some puppet on a string. He gives you free will! And offers the Holy Spirit to be your helper ... not one who controls you or others.

If you living with stinkin' thinkin' that has came from wrong teaching. If you have been speaking negatively and walking outside of love. "Repent ... Turn to God (who is love), change your thinking and actions, for the Kingdom of heaven is near."

Don't waste a minute ... rush in and live free!

Allow God's truth to renew your mind set you free.
Allow Love to Rule!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Saved by Grace through Faith

Just because a person gives all they have into the ministry does not make them a good steward. It does not even promise kingdom victory. If that was the case the scripture text ... I Cor. 13:3 is in error and God does not err.

I Cor. 13:3
If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the state to be burned as a Martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.

Paul was making a point here. Works ... Operating in Gifts ... abasing one's self to the point of death, or giving all one owns, can still leave a person bankrupt.

Eph. 2:8-10 amplified
For it is by free grace (God's unmerited favor) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ's salvation) through [your] faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [of your own doing, it came not through your own striving], but it is the gift of God;

Not because of works [not the fulfillment of the Law's demands], lest any man should boast. [It is not the result of what anyone can possibly do, so no one can pride himself in it or take glory to himself.]

For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].

We are a people saved by grace through faith ... not by works, service, humility or our natural monetary supply. ~ Eph. 2:8-10

God loved us ... he gave ... we believed and received!

That is the Good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God gave ... we were benefited.

Heaven offered a gift of God ... that we might through receptivity of that gift receive life and that eternal, all that heaven (God) has to offer!

Oh, what a plan, oh what a planner.
O what a gift ... O what a giver!

Love God ... Love one another! This is today's requirement.

Galatians 5:14
For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF."

What ever you need in life comes through the light of faith and flame of love, if you are able to believe and receive it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Solomon A Very Rich Man

In I Kings we find that God had chosen Solomon to take the seat as King and to be a builder. He was to build the temple of God.

Such a large assignment surly needed much prayer, meditation and consideration.
But Solomon was the man of the hour.

Was Solomon without flaws? No
But Solomon was equipped.

God does not choose people without flaws. He chooses people just as they are and equips them fully.

You like Solomon can:
  • obtain wisdom and good understanding.
  • have great relationships.
  • be successful.
  • be great
  • do great things.
You are the Man, you are the woman of this hour!
This is your time!

There is greatness in you that needs to be released into planet earth.

On the inside of you are gifts and talents. Ideas and insights.
Passions and possibilities that need to be drawn up and poured out with purpose.

Solomon's heart voice was very large.
Build the temple of God!!

A temple for the creator?

  • It must be inspirational, beautiful, excellent, glorious, large, centered, balanced and atmospheric.
  • The eye must find it vibrant and appealing, full of light.
  • The odor must be fresh and pleasant.
  • The sounds that resonates from it must be life giving.

Yes, much thought and musing must go into tho this project.

  • There has to be a great deal of faithfulness and commitment to every instruction.
  • Ownership and responsibility must be taken.
  • Teamwork is required.
  • And above all God centered.

To succeed in life one begin with the building up of God's temple.

You are the temple of God!
You are the place where the Spirit of God resides.

In order to be great you must first know that you are worthy of such Greatness, and that you are valuable and important.

It is vital that you take care for yourself, love yourself and build yourself up.
Until you see the importance of these things, and do them you will not live in God's best.

We are told by Jesus to love others as ourselves ... That is not selfishness, or self righteousness.
The Word tells us that we are to build ourselves up on our most holy faith.
And also to stir ourselves up (encourage ourselves).

None of these things are selfish nor futile. They are meaningful truths.

From the Word we can see the need to:
  • Put on praise.
  • Cast off heaviness.
  • Lace our words with grace
  • Be a continual stream of sweetness.

Living waters should be running through the midst of us continually.
A life giving flow of healing to every nation.

Our lives:
inspirational, beautiful, excellent, glorious, large, centered, balanced and atmospheric.

Our lives:
vibrant and appealing, full of light, a fresh and pleasant odor, life giving, balanced and God centered.

We should be:
  • A place that others are drawn to and interested in.
  • A place open and full of light by day or night.
  • A house of prayer for all nations.
We should offered light and peace to all who come.
After after a time in our presence, people should leave refreshed and with a sense of value.

The beginning of great enterprises is a great person. A person who knows their God, and who also they are.

When you know God and who you are ... you will do valiantly.

When you walk aware of the fact that YOU ... Yes, YOU are the temple of God, respecting yourself, your entire life will begin to change (be transformed).

Once you are built up, you are a candidate to build others and to follow your heart's voice on to greater things.

What has God spoken to your heart?
What is your passion ... your desire?

Whatever it is ... after taken ownership of your own life, you are ready to take ownership of your passions and desires. You are ready to take the steps needed to achieve great things.

What ever your passion remember it will require your ...
  • Dedication
  • Faithfulness
  • Commitment
  • Musing
  • planning
  • obedience
  • faith actions
You must also live in the knowledge that you can do what God has put in your heart to do, and that all that you put your hands to will be of a great success.

You must live in the realm of God.

You must see the invisible and be willing to tackle what some would call impossible.

So go on ... build yourselves up.

Work on the temple of God ...
And once the temple is in shape ....
build others and step on out to achieve your hearts desire!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

If you want to be Free ... You can be!

If you want to be free, you can be. Freedom is a choice. Freedom is not just some outside display of running wild or doing anything you want, anytime you want. Freedom is a liberty offered to whosoever will (through the person of Jesus Christ).

Many people get saved (receive Jesus as Lord) and obtain a born again spirit, but remain in bondage. Why is this? It is because they have received a new Spirit nature, but they have not received a new mind.

  • What's the mind have to do with it?
  • Everything.

The Word of God tells that we are to offer our bodies (which are still the same body that we had before we received the born again Spirit) to God as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God ... as our reasonable service.

And to refuse to conform to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (the same mind we had when we received the born again Spirit), so that we might prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.

God's will for our lives is a life of Freedom. His intent has never been that any one perish. His will is not for any of his children to be in any kind of bondage. He wants you to be free ... even so "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed!"

Jesus has came and set us free from death, hell and the grave. He has also set us free to make choices in life. And one choice that we need to make as soon as we are born again, is to endeavor to get our minds renewed to right thinking.

In Ephesians chapter one Paul prayed that the eyes of the understanding of the people would be opened. What is the eyes of the understanding? It is revelation [the mind opening up to what is new and acceptable as the will of God].

Eph. 4:23-24 tells us to be renewed in the Spirit of our minds. Putting on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness (right standing) and true holiness ... [true holiness here translates as simply TRUTH].

So we could say that God wants us to be renewed in the Spirit of our Mind, to put on the new man (our new nature) which is created in right standing with God and open to the Truths of God that set us free.

  • So what's the mind got to do with it?
  • Once again ... Everything!

Right behind Eph. 4:23-24 we find the apostle tell us to put off lying and start speaking truth. To refuse to be angry unto sin ... refusing to give place to the devil. Stop stealing, go to work so we can give to those in need. Refuse to talk ugly, only allow good to come through your lips, but instead speak good, speak things that edify (help others). Don't grieve the Holy Spirit.

Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice. Be kind! Be tenderhearted! Be forgiving! Be God like!

You see trapped in the mind of people are ideas and teachings that have been put there from the time of their birth. Formulas and theories; imaginations and theologies. Some may be fine (even truth) but many may not be. That is why we have Word of God and Spirit ... both aiding us in getting our minds renewed to truths that produce life.

We can trust that the Holy Spirit within us is apt and able to do his job of leading us as we make an active choice to follow ... but part of that leading will have to do with you allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you in line with God's written foundational truths.

The Word and Spirit always work together in harmony. They are not separate now do they contradict one another. The Spirit and Word Agree. It is when we then side with them that our minds are renewed to truth that sets us free. Powerful truths that work mightily in our lives, offering us a bigger future than we have yet thought or imagined.

  • What does the mind have to do with it!
  • Everything!

You see as a man thinks (in his mind) so is He.
The mental images you have within you ... created there by words and past events are what oft times will make you or break you.

You need to see things from God's standpoint ... for a high place.
You need to think like God thinks ... a high way of thinking.

  • God wants you to have the best, live the best, be the best!
  • He wants you health and happy.
  • He wants you to succeed.
  • He wants you walking in favor.
  • His will for you is all good.
That does not mean that bad things can not come or happen around you, but it does mean that when you know the will and nature of God ... from a renewed mind ... you know that 'ALL THINGS ARE WORKING FOR YOU AND WITH YOU FOR GOOD!' But if you did not know God ... if you did not believe The Word of God was the everlasting Will of God, you would never have that understanding!

  • So what's the mind God to do with it?
  • Everything!

Do yourself a wonderful favor ... get in the Word of God ... open up to the voice of the Holy Spirit and be renewed in the Spirit of your mind!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

GPS for the Journey

I read something today that was scratching to me. It insinuated that only a few had the ability to make it to their destinies in life. That is such pooh! Everyone has the ability, the right and the free will to get to their destinies in life.

God sent his Son (Jesus) to make a way for ever single person to enter into a new way of life. A way that opens up destiny to them. He offered free will to every person to choose their course. A course of life/death ... blessing/cursing, and then in all his goodness he gave them the answer! Choose Life!

Wow ... the only way to fail, is to refuse to listen or show up for life!

I have watched so many people trying to figure out ..."What am I suppose to do, what is my purpose?" They wander and wait, and wait and wander. This is not God's designed plan.

God's designed plan is for you to hear his voice, follow it. To enjoy life and abundance while you take new daily steps toward your destiny. And along the way there are many exciting stops and plenty of new starts ... (these are called short term goals toward a long term vision). But if you don't ever step out and choose life and blessing and show up for the journey (life), it will be difficult for you to get anywhere ...


There is a Children s story that has been told for ages in elementary classrooms. It is "The little engine that could!" That little blue engine who was happy all the day, knew that their was not mountain to high, no valley to low or no obstacle that could stop it from making it to his designated place. He carried an "I think I can ... attitude." He was not detoured by the steepness of the journey, nor of all of those who thought his assignment insignificant. No ... he moved with the open doors and made his deposits. Any you can too!

You see when God offered us life and blessing, he gave us access into his best, through his dear son. As we believe on him we enter a wonderful journey. And through the person of Jesus Christ (God's dear Son) we have access to the Holy Spirit (one just like Jesus himself). We have a straight communication line, to the Father (God). We have a GPS (God Positioning System) right on the inside of us "The Holy Spirit."

The Holy Spirit, is the one that guides the believers in this life, aiding in our short term and long term goals. The one who keeps us on course and makes sure we reach our health place, wealthy place, happy place, successful place, helpful place ... you get the message! He Gets us There, as we follow the inward leading!

Listen to Him ... obey his voice ... and you will stay the course and make it to your expected end!

Isaiah 30:21 John 3:16 Roman 10:9-10 John 10:4 John 14-16 Acts 1-4 Romans 8 I John 2:20

Friday, May 14, 2010

Many sounds in the earth ... Listen closely!

John 10:27
My sheep hear my (life's) voice, and I (life) know them, and they follow me (life):

As you can see I have placed the word "life" behind each my, I, and me in the above passage. I did this with a conscious purpose. Jesus told us in John 14:6 ... that He was life, as well as the truth and the way!

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ~ John 14:6

Life has a voice. A voice that leads. We become acquainted with that voice through relationship. Just as we learn one each others voice through relationship.

As we spend time communicating we become very securely acquainted with the voice of life (God ... Jesus ... Holy Ghost)! Life is speaking all the time, but usually we are the ones that are not tuned in, or we are the ones who do not recognize the sound of life.

Now every sound that you hear is not life, just because life is speaking ... some voices/sounds come to drowned out the voice of life to distort or muffle life's voice.

There are many voices in the earth ... and all have a significance. We must learn to listen closely to what life is saying, least we follow off a voice into destructive paths; Luring voices into wrong companies and paths; Luring voices of loose people; Luring voices that hold no life or blessing.

Some voices will lead to death and leave you under a curse. DO NOT FOLLOW EVERY VOICE! Listen closely ... be attentive, aware, perceptive and wise!

There are sweet sounds that add no blessing to our lives. There are warning sounds if not perceived will draw us off course! There are hypnotic sounds that are attempting to put people to sleep and in the control of others ... Listen closely!

Everyone that comes declaring Life is not of God! Many will come in the name of Life! But not everyone offers life! Many lead to down a path of confusion and destruction. Many come self serving. Anyone who does not declare Jesus Lord is not of God!

I John 4:3
And every spirit that confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

The still small inward voice of the Believer leads and aligns with the written Word of God. This is not to say because you heard to go here or there and your name is not typed out between the pages of Gen. to Rev. that you are not to go.
When things like this happen ... you are lined with the written word that says ... My sheep know my voice and follow ... or as many as many are led by the Spirit of God; they are the sons of God!

Keep a good understanding between the Written Word and the Holy Spirit Voice. As you do you will stay on Course!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spiritual Perception

Awareness; Sense; recognition; cognition; open intuitive understanding.
To perceive, to know instinctively.

We have heard a lot in the these present days concerning awakening and awareness. But with awakening comes enlightenment and proper perceptions. To be aware is to be perceptive, cognizant and walking instinctively with understanding.

In Jesus day ... he spoke to his generation concerning spiritual perception. Let's read some about what was said and see spiritual perception at work.

Matthew 16
The Demand for a Sign

The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven.

He replied, "When evening comes, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,' and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.

A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah." Jesus then left them and went away.

Amazing ... the religious leaders looking for signs to prove that Jesus was who he said he was ... looking outward for some proof, evidence that Jesus was sent of God. They read the skies but could not discern the Christ. OH ... those religious leaders!
The Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees
When they went across the lake, the disciples forgot to take bread.
"Be careful," Jesus said to them.
"Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

They discussed this among themselves and said,
"It is because we didn't bring any bread."

My, my forget the lack of perception of the religious leaders of the day, what about the followers of Christ himself!

Look at how the disciples ... begin to look at the situation at hand. The Pharisees and Sadducees had just been among them talking about signs ... asking for outward proofs of Christ realities. And these ole' boys are checking out the food stock!

Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked, "You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread?

Do you still not understand?

Don't you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered?

Or the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered?

How is it you don't understand that I was not talking to you about bread? But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Notice in these part of the text that Jesus was Aware ... he perceived what the disciples were talking about. He was aware of people around him, of both their thoughts, conversations and intents. He could read a person a mile away so to speak. While the religious of the day was looking for signs and the disciples off in the carnal arena most of the time.

Peter's Confession of Christ
When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples,
"Who do people say the Son of Man is?"

They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets."

*Jesus was checking out their awareness levels.

When he ask who people said he was ... they knew all that ... that were up on the open town gossip, but watch what happens when he ask them ... "Who do you, say that I am?"

"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"

Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

* Bingo ... Jackpot ... Oh, Happy Day for one perceptive follower! Amazing 12 close followers ... one awake ... perceptive ... aware!

And even that one would soon be found sleeping again in the Garden and also in denial of this present truth in the court yards not many days hence. Jesus being fully awake ... and aware had a knowing of all of the present coming events with this follower Simon (little reed, still easily shaken in the winds), he proclaimed a blessing over such awareness.

Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven (a spiritual revelation/perception/awareness).

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

*Not only did Peter understand who Jesus was ... Jesus also revealed to Peter who he was! Spiritual Awareness ... proper perception opens up an entire new world. Revealing things much deeper than the carnal arena!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Touching Life

And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

And Jesus said, Who touched me?

When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me. And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.

And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

~Luke 8:43-48

I love this short story of a woman with faith! Let us not discuss a woman with an issue, rather a woman of faith!

In this particular passage the word faith actually translated in origin is to simply "believe." In other Words Jesus was saying to the woman, "what you have believed has come to pass ... go and enjoy life."

What are you believing today concerning your life and your conditions? As a man thinks so is he ... what one believes in their heart (innermost being) so it is with them.

I saw a car going down the road today and it had a logo that reported to the World the drivers thoughts and beliefs. They lived in a poor man's world by believing that was their lot in life. And all the outside effects were manifesting accordingly.

And yet on the opposite side of me was one of the finer automobiles, clean inside and out, driver dressed to reflect their innermost thoughts of wealth with a smile to match. Life is out there, if we are willing to press through the throngs of all that separates us from it.

This woman was not looking for someone else to get her expected end ... she went straight to life for it! She was gonna touch life or else! She wasn't about to let anyone or anything keep her from her goal!

For 12 long years she was bleeding out ... her life and livelihood being drained from her ... she merely was in the state of existence when she had an Epiphany "I can touch life (Jesus) and life will return to me!"

Therefore, with a mission she came out to where life was ... no more setting alone, no more standing in the dark shadows of others. She was ready to live! She was ready to go after life with the last bit of her that was left! And with this mindset ... she reached her goal ... she touched life ... she received life ... and with it came commendation and peace!

*Notice she was not going out to be commended or seen or praised ... she was after life and life commended her and offered her peace. It even included her in an everlasting story to be shared all over the world time and again ... from one generation to another.

Amazing how Life knows when one person reaches out and grabs it, refusing to be denied. Many were among and around life in this woman's day; some even so very the breath of life was upon their necks ... but they recognized it not. They were simply stirring in the dust of survival ... and life spoke not a word to them; offered them nothing. But one act of faith and life responded.

~Life offers a virtue that changes everything for the one willing to go after it!

Put down the stones!

I have been thinking lately about people. Isn't that amazing. Thinking about people, not self ... [people] ... others! Not about power, but people! What a wonderful world as we consider others. As we grow outward instead of living our lives inward, hurting, conceited or power driven.

People who live their lives inward, hurting, conceited,or power driven are usually stone throwers! Let's open up and heal and become better people.

Let's lay aside the stones in life, and use them for building instead of destruction ... let's remove ourselves from condemning and walking as judge over others and direct them to a better way of living ... to a better life!

"And Early in the morning He came again into the Temple, and all the people came unto Him; and He sat down, and taught them."

"And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto Him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto Him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the Law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest Thou?"

"This they said, tempting Him, that they might have to accuse Him."

"But Jesus stooped down, and with His finger wrote on the ground, as though He heard them not (refusing to allow them to draw him off course). So when they continued asking Him, He lifted up Himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again He stooped down, and wrote on the ground."

"And they which heard it, being convicted by their own (stone throwing) conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst."

"When Jesus had lifted up Himself ... (Notice, he did not even rise for such an occasion as this, but with focus and purpose stayed his course), and saw none but the woman, He said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?"

"She said, No man, Lord."

"And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." ~John 8:2-11

Jesus was not condoning the act of adultery, neither condemning the woman. What he did was direct the Woman from her sin that brought negative attention to her and kept her in bondage.

Condemnation is enough within one's own self when they know that what they have done is wrong without other peoples stones!

~ How about putting the stones down and directing the people!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Positioned in a Great Belief System

"Enthusiasm spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment."

If you are not enthusiastic in your position of life, you may not be positioned properly.
Life should be an ebb and flow ... peaceful and joyful! It should not be pressure upon pressure and a constant grate.

When I say positioned properly, I speak very broadly. Position is defined as: an act of placing or arranging. This can include career, geographic location, relationally or your belief system.

And I will be the first to tell anyone that your belief system will have a key effect on every area of your life. It can be a system of building up, or tearing down. It can be blessings or cursing.
Your belief system plays a major part in how you feel about yourself, others, your job, your location and .... just the World in general!

Negative people are never very enthusiastic and insecure people are like roller coaster rides, constantly moved by their feelings, or what someone else thinks about them. They may be hyper-enthusiastic one minute, and super depressed the next. As for me, I am not sure that I would not rather have a negative person around me, than an insecure one ... Kinda like God ... I would rather you be Hot or Cold ... lukewarm kinda makes me want to spue. :/

Walking with insecure people is like walking on egg shells, you never know when you may slip and crush their broken spots. This is not to say they do not need relationship or to be built up, but to build a relationship with someone insecure, is very difficult and tiring.

You will also notice that Negative or insecure people never accomplish much in life. They are both so very inward, that they do not build relationships well. They also never build great businesses or organizations. Negative or insecure people, simply exist from one low to the next, or today's high to tomorrow's deep set low. They are in need of a new belief system in order to walk in the fullness of life and in good relationships with others. It is vital to be positive and secure if you are to be a kingdom builder, and live your life to the overflow!

There are so many people who have no idea who they are, or why they are even here on planted earth. They do not know their personal value, they are merely existing ... to even think of being like that is depressing to me. I can't imagine living my life so inward. Oh, that people would understand who they are; that they would know their value, and be excited about life and all that is out there to explore and enjoy, so much to be enthusiastic about ... so much to accomplish!

I might ask here ...
  • Do you enjoy quiet time?
  • Are you content whether you are alone or with someone?
  • Do crowds make you nervous?
  • Do you keep people at an arm's distance (fearful) of what they might see, hear or know about you?
  • Are you afraid to see others as they really are?
These are things that bother most negative or insecure people.
To be quiet would be painful.
There is no contentment in negativity and insecurity.
Crowds intimidate and irritate such people.
And They don't dare look deeply at others or allow them to see the real person they are.

Does it irritate you when others differ from you ... it does negative and insecure people.
It did the Pharisees and Sadducee in Jesus earth bound days. They did not know what to do with such a secure man, as Jesus. He was a man who knew who He was, and also knew His divine purpose. He knew it in such a degree that peoples ideas, persecutions, or unwelcoming attitudes did not move Him ~ even the cross did not detour Him.

Motivational people are secure people. I am not talking about everyone who calls themselves motivational, I am talking about people who actually motivate others in life.

Many call themselves leaders or motivational but they are far from it. Leaders lead. Motivational people motivate!

True leaders and motivational people attract others; they are magnetic. They compel others to be better through a divine and proper belief system of truth. This is exactly what Jesus did, and we should be reflecting Him today.

Although motivation people are secure and magnetic, they also know how to walk in love with the unlovely and remain free among those who are bound by deception. They do not allow others negativity or insecurity affect (or might I say infect) them. They exude positive energy (life and light) without allow others negativity to draw them into unhealthy realms of darkness.

There was never, nor ever will be anyone who was more of a leader or more motivational on planet earth than Jesus the Christ. He is our prim example to follow. When you find out who Christ is, and who you are in Him. That is when you will be at your best in life. And life will give it's best back to you.

Jesus is a peace giver, joy distributor, excellent teacher and perfect in relations. His life was not mediocre, but full to an overflow. He knew how to live positive in a negative world, and to walk in power and authority while dismissing negativity as a wrong belief. He dispelled darkness with light. He saw the needs of people, looked into their hearts with understanding, and yet fulfilled God's plan, without losing his zeal or sense of purpose.

People often misrepresent who you are, and many may have misrepresented Jesus the Christ. To actually know a person you must relate to, and with them. People have misrepresent me before, as I am sure they have you.

No one wants to be wrote off because of a misrepresentation, the best way to find out about a person is to get to know them. So it is with Christ. Unless you have met Him, gotten to know Him ... you actually do not have any idea of who He is or what He is truly like.

To write off a person before you know them, may be to dismiss a key person in your life.
  • Don't allow negativity of peoples opinion to keep you away from your best life now.
  • Don't allow insecurity to detour you from greatness.
  • Don't allow a wrong believe system to keep you from being enthusiastic and from life changing relationships and accomplishments!
  • Don't allow others beliefs keep you from getting to know key persons.

Grow in Greatness through positive belief and positive living!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Words Matter

Everything that is natural, was first Spirit ... except the Divine Spirit of God who always and always will be. God is Spirit and has created everything that is now visible, tangible, understandable.
John 1:1-17 John 4:24 Col. 1:16-17

God is Spirit and lives in the Spirit (invisible realm) and he has created the entire physical universe ~ everything that we have ever or will ever encounter in the natural realm came from the Spirit (invisible, intangible) realm. The realm that is not a feelings realm. The realm that is eternal.

To be the success that we want to be in live, we must get a grip on Spiritual laws and ordinances (principles). When we do, we will understand that just as the law of lift overcomes the law of gravity, spiritual laws can overcome natural laws. How? Beginning with the renewed mind (the thought and imagination place), and then from the Words of our mouth (spoken Word mixed with faith).

Hebrews 11:5 opens our understanding to the worlds that were framed by the Word of God (Spirit Words). We understand that things which are seen were not made of things visible. But the invisible force of Spirit Words gave birth to the visible realm.

The universe was created by the "Word of God" ... and YOU and I my friend are made in the image and likeness of God ... "A speaking Spirit." When God said, "let there be light ... light was." The very light we walk in each day ... was offered us by the Spoken Word of the Spirit.

Isaiah 55:11 reads like this:
So shall MY WORD be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void (empty...fruitless...immaterial...without effect...unoccupied), but it shall accomplish (completed successful...fully equip) that which I please, and it shall prosper (become strong and flourish) in the thing whereto I sent it!
The Key to creation is Speaking God (Spirit) Words...Life Words...Light!
Matthew 12:37
By your Words, you are justified, and by your words you are condemned.

What we say matters. Our words will bring blessings or cursing into our lives. Life and life or Sorrow and death. Therefore we need to be mindful of what we safe and keep a guard set over our mouths. We also need to keep our minds filled with things that are: true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good reports (things that we want to produce and see in manifestation in and around our lives and the lives of others).

God has a plan for our lives. A good plan. A plan of prosperity, health, life, good, a bright future ... a life of peace and an expected good end! But we can talk our way into it or out of it. Because the plan of creation was and is a Word plan, that begin in the mind of a Spirit of Life and Love.

When we speak the Word of God we are declaring what is already real and present in your spirit, and your faith confession is bringing that into being. All we have or every will have is already established and settle in Heaven, but what brings it from Heaven to earth is faith confessed Words from a Believer.

The World has programmed people to believe what they can see, but the truth is you must side with God and say faith filled words and then see the unseen. When you speak in faith from your Spirit, that align with the Word of God (which is life, light and truth), you will bring what you need and desire from the Spirit realm into the natural realm. This is how Jesus operated. Jesus spoke in complete harmony with his Father God (Spirit) and walked in complete harmony in the natural realm.

Nothing or No one can stop you from reaching your destiny ... except YOU! Your spoken Word will open up your destiny and lead you into it, or close it and keep you from it! You choose, when you choose your Spirit filled Words and release them.

The life you create for yourself is the one that you choose to speak out;
If you want your life to change then you must change the Words you speak!